The Open, 2014

The Open, 2014

14.1 nearly broke my left foot. 14.2 damaged my confidence. 14.3 landed me in the hospital with exertional headaches. 14.4 ripped open both of my hands. 14.5 beat me down for more than twenty-six minutes, and left my arms nearly inoperable for four days. And I can’t wait to do it all again. My rookie […]

Marching Again, Part 1

Marching Again, Part 1

That my last attempt at the Sub 9 Death March nearly killed me should have served as some deterrent. That this winter has been particularly severe and persistent should have discouraged me. Last year’s teammates opting out of this year’s event for those reasons and others should have been reason for me to follow suit. […]



It happens to every athlete, at some point. When you push the bounds of what your body is capable of, when you’re constantly approaching the limits of your physical system, sometimes your body pushes back. A joint will give way, a muscle will tear, a minor injury will happen. When you push to the maximum, […]

Why Running?

Why Running?

Of all the sports and physical activities in which I engage, none is so polarizing among my friends as running. That’s surprising, given that running is the one sport I do that our bodies were specifically engineered to do, if the human physiological adaptations for moving faster than a walk are considered. And yet when […]



For any athlete new to CrossFit, the prescribed (Rx) weights and reps on most of the workouts can be daunting. For me, since I started going regularly late last year, they’ve ranged from “hey, I could almost… no I can’t” to “there is no freaking way.” For several WODs, I’ve been able to Rx two […]

363 - Goals

363 – Goals

It’s no secret that I started planning for next season months ago. With how the last two seasons have gone, I can barely wait to write another chapter! I started off this year with some ambitious goals, and while I missed a few small ones, they all served to spur me forward. For 2014, all […]