This might be the most boring pic I post all year. Sorry for that. What is a picture of a small chest freezer doing on a health/fitness/racing blog? Am I deadlifting freezers now? Well, yes. But only to put it in place.
When it comes to physical performance of any kind, nutrition is at least half of the equation. And since our old freezer died, I haven’t been able to get local, healthy meats because I didn’t have much room to store them. Well, no more! Thanks to Home Depot, I’m now the proud owner of this lovely (and economical!) GE 5 cu. ft. chest freezer! With it, I’ll have a ready supply of grass fed, drug free beef, free range chicken and other healthy proteins from places like Innisfree Farm. So while this might be the most boring picture you’ll see from me all year, to me, it’s one of the most exciting!