Jan 222013

File this one under “things we did as kids that we didn’t realize were hard.”

I started using a jump rope as a warmup before a leg workout a few weeks back. I never realized just how much work physically goes into jumping rope. Also, I apparently have all the grace and coordination of a dump truck with three flat tires. I’ll be really happy to make it to 100 straight without messing up. Rocky Balboa I ain’t.

Then again, I was never particularly good at jumping rope, even as a kid. If I master this, maybe there’s hope for me yet.

Tonight was a conditioning night. I had some extra time, so I warmed up with 200 jump ropes (lame, right?), then did 5000m on the row machine, and 25 minutes each on the elliptical and stationary bike, random hill programs. Observations: I think that the elliptical, if used solely, will leave certain muscle areas (like hip flexors) completely deficient for running. Second, come on spring. I hate this hamster wheel stuff!

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