Apr 102013
(Click to enlarge)

What you see here is a sample of the workouts I’ve done with my new heart rate monitor. While I’m still figuring out how to use all this new data, it’s interesting just to look at. They are, in order, a weightlifting session, a half-marathon, a mountain bike ride, and an interval running workout.

Most interesting to me is that, with the exception of the weightlifting, all the rest had an average heart rate of just over 160, despite being very different efforts. But it’s clear that, for endurance purposes, 160 is about what I can sustain. Now the trick will be raising the level of output that creates that 160 heart rate.

  2 Responses to “100 – Useful Squiggles”

  1. […] the dog and mowing the grass, to half marathons and 188 mile bike rides, just to look at the squiggles and see what they can tell me about my training. It’s been a useful exercise, as I’ve […]

  2. […] you’ve been reading all year, then you know that I’m sort of a geek for stats. I track my miles and times obsessively, and after a big race, I’ll often spend […]

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