Apr 182013
I didn’t take the top pic to be patriotic, but to show the wind. It was really howling!

It’s time for me to crank up (pun intended) my bike training, in a big way. Today, despite 20 mph sustained winds with gusts to at least 35, I went out for my longest ride so far. I mapped out a roughly 60 mile loop from my house and hit the road. The wind took turns being a blessing and a curse. During my first leg, about 12 miles, I had the wind more or less at my back. I covered the distance with ease, averaging close to 20, hitting 37 on a quick downhill coast, and sprinting to 30 on a long flat stretch.

Then there were more than a few hills, some fun, some that I just suffered through, but my mood was still good. Turning south, I hit the headwind and the second stretch of bike path, and fought with the wind for the next 16 miles. That took it out of me. For stretches where the path surged out of the woods and was exposed, the wind hit me so hard I could only manage 10 mph. But I just kept pedaling, knowing that sooner or later the path would turn, and I’d only be fighting the crosswind. That leg was a definite reality check, after sailing with such relative ease through the first 25 miles.

Finally, after going a couple miles the wrong way at a bike path interchange, I turned out of the wind, and the pace I thought I’d never get back returned. Soon I was sailing along at 18 or so, enjoying the day, still battling the wind a little but at least winning. I began to toy with the idea of taking a wide approach to my neighborhood, to extend  the route to 62 miles, and check the box for a “metric century.” But then I remembered that taking that wide approach meant three extra climbs, and one of them was a real ball-buster. Scratch that!

I alternately limped and surged home, taking advantage of momentum when I could get it, but having to stop with increasing frequency to cross busy roads. That sapped yet more energy, and I was already fading, Hammer Gel and Stinger Waffle notwithstanding. I was having a hard enough time that, once I had covered 50 miles (my actual target for the day), I even thought about calling my wife to come get me! But I haven’t quit yet, and I wasn’t about to now, so I took a quick break at a park and pumped out the last 6 miles to the house.

In all, I’m very satisfied with today, as a training ride. Considering that it was over double the length of my previous long road ride, it went really well! I have a bit over two weeks until my first road bike race, and what I learned today has given me a lot to think about, as I consider which race to enter. But one thing is for sure, this bike absolutely rocks!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go eat a whole pizza. Because I can, after today.

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