May 112013

A day scarcely passes without Katie doing something to make me proud. Today, she went to Newport, Kentucky to test for her Green Belt. AND SHE PASSED! I’m jump-up-and-down-and-scream-like-a-school-kid proud of her.

Let me explain why this is so amazingly awesome.

Katie’s job is for a medical network, providing training and support for a major software suite they use. For the past two weeks, she’s been up to her eyeballs and working all sorts of crazy hours, as they rolled out a brand new version of that software. She just hadn’t had time to get in the studying and practice that she wanted before going to test, and we had both agreed that it was probably a good exercise in discretion for her to wait and test in August. Did I mention that, before today, she had already tested and upgraded twice in the past six months? While transitioning to her new job and learning an entirely new career field?

So we were all prepared to take the conservative approach, until Katie got a strongly-worded phone call from one of her lead instructors. She informed Katie that she was ready, and that she would pass, and there would be none of this talk of waiting. My understanding is that this was not phrased in the form of a question.

We both panicked, a little. I tried to help drill her on terminology whenever we could, and Katie filled in every nook and cranny of her already packed days with memorization and practice. Yesterday, we went through the whole folder (yes, it’s a folder) of stuff she had to know cold, and felt like she had a fair handle on it all.

And what’d she do today? She went down there and rocked it, like the pro that she is! So for those of you counting, that’s three belts in six months, and a whole pile of splintered pine boards. My wife is amazing, and she keeps giving me reasons to think so. Great work, sweetheart.

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