May 162013
+50 Bonus Cool Points two whoever can name each of these three flowers!

A couple weeks ago, I decided to surprise Katie with flowers. And instead of buying her a vase of flowers that’d be dead in four days, I went down to the local garden center and picked up a few flats of some of the more interesting varieties they had. And hey, two weeks have gone by, and not one of them has died, yet!

I picked most of the flowers I bought because of their intricacy. I’ve spent most of my life planting your standard runs of petunias and impatiens, but the amazing, delicate details of these three varieties couldn’t be ignored. I always tend to gravitate towards things, and people that require close examination to appreciate, and that could be entirely overlooked by the inattentive. These may not be as pretentious as irises, or flashy as lilies, or complicated as orchids, but they’re no less beautiful in their tiny details.

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