Jun 042013

A couple months ago, when I was dealing with knee problems, the doc suggested I go on a regimen of Ibuprofen. I was skeptical (military docs prescribe ibuprofen for just about everything), but he assured me that if I loaded up on it (“take as much as the bottle says you can take,” he said), and stayed on it for an extended period of time, it’d help the tissues in my knee calm down enough to heal while I still trained. He was right, and my knee isn’t really bothering me anymore, but I manage to keep hurting myself.

Friday I overdid it a tiny bit on deadlift, and I’ve been feeling it since. Not bad, it isn’t really an injury, just an angry lower back. So it’s back to the Vitamin I. Because I’m not about to stop training. And also because I have a fitness test tomorrow.

  One Response to “155 – Vitamin I”

  1. […] any substantial damage. The ER doc diagnosed me with a sprain, gave me a brace and offered some Vitamin I, which I […]

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