Jun 182013

I went out for a 10 mile run today, in preparation for my anticipated half marathon this weekend. It didn’t go terribly well, a fact that doesn’t bother me as much as maybe it should. My prep run before my last half didn’t go all that well either, and I managed a new PR in the race.

The problems I had were partially mental, and partially physical. I didn’t fuel up for the run maybe the way I should have. I didn’t get enough sleep. I didn’t warm up enough. And on and on the story goes. I just wasn’t as driven to get this one in, and do it hard, as I normally am, but I’m not sweating that. One thing I’ve learned over the last few years is that if my body is saying “not today” on a training run or ride, pushing myself further may do little more than trigger an injury. Better to go easy and still be ready and rested for race day.

The route I had planned was 10 miles, from the parking lot at Rip Rap Road, up the bike path to Old Springfield Road and back. On my way up, I was either too focused or too miserable to notice the scene above as I went under the Route 40 overpass. But on my way back, with my pace slacked and my attention waning, I saw it, and it considerably brightened my mood. Someone, probably kids, had taken the time to put up a bunch of positive, motivational chalk graffiti alongside the bike path, a place where there are frequently races, and there are always people out trying to better themselves.

It was a warm and thoughtful gesture, and whoever had the idea also left the chalk behind. I was too tired to come up with something of my own to contribute at the time, but if it’s still there the next time I am, I think I’ll scrawl one of my favorite (simplified) quotes from Thoreau:

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

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