Jul 292013
Back where I belong, on the trail.

Back where I belong, on the trail.

210bI’ve spent entirely too much time lately on asphalt.

Since my trip to West Virginia in Mid-June, my training focus has shifted to the road, as I ramped up the miles in anticipation of the Young’s Bike Tour. Combined with the fact that my mountain bike has been in the shop for some of that time, meant that, except for a brief shakedown ride after retrieving my Fuel from Village, I haven’t turned a wheel on dirt in about six weeks.

That trend finally righted itself today, when I was able to get out and hit John Bryan for a lap with a few good riding buddies. I was riding sloppy at first, choosing crappy lines and generally not thinking fast enough, but it came back pretty quick, and soon I was railing along with the boys, loosening up and letting the bike work how it’s supposed to.

And boy, how it works. The new drivetrain has completely revitalized the bike, making it a joy to ride again. The new front shifter is especially good, so good that it’s taking some getting used to. The effort on the lever is so light that I’m blowing through two gears at once sometimes. I guess my thumb needs a tune-up to match the bike!

At any rate, I’m in love with the dirt, and my bike, all over again. Maybe I won’t be in such a hurry to upgrade to that Hobgoblin, after all…

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