Sep 182013

Home alone without an obvious meal, I delved into the cabinets to see what I could come up with. What I managed to create was something so simple and amazing, I can’t believe it’s never happened to me before. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you 4-Ingredient* Breakfast Rice! I cooked up 1 cup of short grain rice and six slices of bacon (chopped), then mixed that up with a prodigious amount of Sriracha, and topped it with a couple fried-over-easy eggs. The result? PARTY. IN. YA MOUTH.


*Sriracha is only sort of a single ingredient. I’m always laughing at recipes that claim cake mix or pre-made dough as a single ingredient, so I felt compelled to asterisk this one. I still think it counts, though. Can you make Sriracha?

Oh, short grain rice. Where have you been all my life?

Oh, short grain rice. Where have you been all my life?

The King of all poultry-emblazoned sauces.

The King of all poultry-emblazoned sauces.

Bacon grease. Save for making popcorn. Thank me later.

Bacon grease. Save for making popcorn. Thank me later.

Would you look at the size of that yolk?!

Would you look at the size of that yolk?!

Mmmm, gooey goodness...

Mmmm, gooey goodness…

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