Nov 302013
What is it about an open fire that prompts introspection?

What is it about an open fire that prompts introspection?

We managed to drag some unseasonably cold weather with us to Virginia Beach, but not so cold that we couldn’t have a fire on the back porch. It had been a busy and intense weekend so far, with incredible football games, frigid bicycle rides, and crushing workouts. So it was nice to sit by a fire, sip my beer and just think about the year that has been.

December is upon us now, and that essentially means my race season is finally over. There are a few more rounds of cyclocross races in the area, but weekend obligations for work and family will take precedence. It’s always a letdown when the season ends, but less so this year. After all, what a year it’s been! I started early, trained hard, and came out swinging in the spring. I raced from March to November, completing some 29 races and events. That’s slightly fewer than I completed last year, but the average distances were much longer. Along the way, I set new personal bests at every distance and course, reached new levels of endurance, and tried out two new disciplines of bicycle racing. More important, I found within myself levels of determination, resolve, resiliency and motivation that I didn’t know I possessed.

I’ve been very blessed along the way with the assistance of some great friends, a year devoid of major illness or injury, and a work schedule that allows for an almost decadent amount of training time. I’ve been blessed by the selfless contributions of others toward my several charity drives this year. I’ve been blessed by the love and support shown to my family members, whenever I’ve featured them on this blog.

And I’ve been overwhelmed at the experience of this project, itself. What started as a bet to do a year-in-pictures project has developed into something much more, which I never would have predicted. I’m humbled and flattered by all of the kind words that you all have expressed about my writing, and my racing, and what it has meant to you through the year. I’m incredibly touched that several people have told me that they’ve been inspired by what I’ve had to say, and are going to take positive steps in their own lives toward improving their health and fitness.

In the weeks ahead, I’ll be closing the book on 2013, turning my attention on conditioning and planning my 2014 season. But for this night, I’ll enjoy the glow of the fire and of the year that has been, and be thankful for all the things I have accomplished.

  One Response to “334 – Fire & Reflection”

  1. […] a long time before I took this picture. Fast-moving water is fascinating in much the same way as fire, and maybe the only earthly thing more […]

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