Dec 132013
*Angels singing*

*Angels singing*

One of my favorite craft breweries has finally started distributing to Ohio! I fell in love with New Belgium a few years ago, during a trip to Texas. Their Fat Tire and 1554 labels have been on my top-10 every day beers list since, but I’ve only been able to sample them when out of town! A friend and I would actually take turns importing cases of the stuff ourselves, whenever we ran across it on our travels.

But no more! New Belgium announced their expansion into the Ohio market earlier this year, and it came to fruition yesterday, courtesy of a bicycle-powered debut. I wasn’t able to attend, unfortunately, but I was still happy to see a delightful variety of their brews hitting local store shelves in short order. I picked up this assortment of Fort Collins’ finest from Dorothy Lane Market, and was especially excited about the two limited-run, collaborative brews. Both the Paardebloem (made with peach juice and dandelion greens!) and Heavenly Feijoa (brewed with feijoa and hibiscus) were delicious, complicated beers with unique flavor profiles. Not every day drinkers, but certainly fascinating to try.

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