May 292014


I saw a bad movie once, and now I hate movies.

I tried golf this one time. It was terrible. And I saw all these people slicing balls into the next county. Golf is dumb.

Sound familiar? It should, if you’ve caught wind of the latest viral hatchet job against CrossFit.

For the tl;dr crowd, let me sum up.

  • She tries CrossFit a couple times.
  • She is appalled that other people in the gym aren’t as fit/skilled as she is.
  • She doesn’t do deadlifts. (Wait, what?) Or kipping pull ups. Or kettlebell swings. But considers herself an authority on CrossFit anyway.
  • She was sore after doing CrossFit. And that’s bad.
  • She has never seen a workout like CrossFit. And that means it’s bad.
  • She takes training advice from WebMD and the Huffington Post.

Before denigrating the biggest fitness trend since Sweatin’ to the Oldies, one that has swept the nation and changed tens of thousands of lives for the better, maybe it’s best to at least try to understand it. That requires more than a few cursory classes and a few Google searches for articles underlining your position.

What CrossFit is:

  • Constantly varied.
  • A fitness program that uses a range of exercises and techniques to build overall fitness, including traditional strength training as well as short, high intensity, high volume sessions.
  • A tool that helps a lot of people reach their fitness goals.

What CrossFit is not:

  • Random – There is programming at every box, even if it’s unlike the programming you’re used to seeing. No, there isn’t an “arm day” and a “leg day.” But there is a method to the madness, you just have to stick around for more than a day or two to see it.
  • Greg Glassman – Yeah, he’s not exactly the model of fitness, but neither are architects always good construction workers. He came up with the idea for the system using a lot of existing science, but it’s not as if he’s actively involved in running every box in the country.
  • Dave Castro – We can all agree that he’s a smug-looking weirdo with questionable taste in hats and haircuts. But he also doesn’t run a box.
  • The “fail” compilation videos that pop up now and again. More than half of the stuff they show isn’t even CrossFit.
  • Cardio – Breathing hard does not equal cardio any more than sweating equals exercise. Nobody at CrossFit is claiming that it’s a cardio program.

The article as a whole is so haphazardly researched and poorly constructed from a logical standpoint that I almost didn’t address it, but let me hit a few points.

To begin, the author talks about how she went into a CrossFit gym and received only cursory instruction on a few exercises before the workout began. Then she goes on to talk about how she’s a career athlete and can bang out muscle-ups at the drop of a hat. It’s possible that she was at a gym where the instruction isn’t very good, but it’s also possible that the coaches observed her doing the movements, concluded she was performing them acceptably, and moved on.

Then Ms. Simmons (no relation to Richard) gets all in a tizzy because some CrossFit workouts include a high volume of Olympic or power lifts. That’s bad, you see, because when she was working out in college, they didn’t do that. But I bet what they did do, was train with volume. Study after study has shown the benefits of low weight, high volume training both for muscular hypertrophy (gettin’ swoll, in DudeBro speak) and for proprioception. So whether you do one movement 100 times, or three different movements that target the same muscle groups 30 times each, the effect is the same: volume. And nobody’s asking anybody to do sets of 30 reps at 90% of their one rep max. Are Olympic and powerlifting movements incredibly complex and technique oriented? You’re damn skippy. That’s why you practice them a bazillion times at a relatively low weight for your strength.

Now, it is true that repetitive stress injuries are a concern in CrossFit. And running, and tennis, and golf, and cycling, and football and bowling. Next?

The article expresses the misconception that, because CrossFit workouts are timed, that all emphasis on form and technique ends once the clock starts. I admit, that was my impression as well before I decided to try it for myself. The truth is, if the workout is to do as many reps as possible in a given time, you only get to count good reps. Proper squat depth has to be achieved, the medicine ball has to make it past the line, and you have to lock out your lifts at the top. While typically you are counting your own reps (unless you’re at a competition), the techniques and standards are clearly briefed, demonstrated and practiced before each workout, and it’s up to you to adhere to them. Coaches will circulate throughout the workout, correcting form, stopping athletes when necessary, and telling them to add or subtract weight. Any CrossFitter will tell you that missing a few reps or taking a few seconds longer to complete a workout because you’re getting some coaching happens almost every day, and it isn’t the end of the world.

Another misconception expressed in the article is that since CrossFit’s trademark workouts are intense, the program consists only of intensity and pain, without regard for safety. But that’s not the case at all. In every workout I’ve attended at several different boxes in different parts of the country, I’ll be at the gym for an hour, and only about ten minutes of that is spent at full throttle during the WOD. The rest of the time is spent on warming up, strength and mobility work, and instruction. Boatloads of instruction. In fact, far more instruction than you’re likely to find in any other readily-available fitness program. Not all of us get to train with college football teams (who, by the way, have totally clean safety records, right?).

She mentions screaming coaches at least twice in the post, which I find just laughable. If anything, CrossFit has garnered a reputation of being positive and supportive, a community that cheers for its newest and least skilled athletes as hard as for its heroes. I’ve been screamed at in a lot of athletic situations in my life. High school wrestling and Air Force boot camp come to mind. But at CrossFit, the only times I can recall a coach raising their voice at me was to cheer, or to be heard above the thumping music that accompanies most of our workouts.

Then there’s the familiar strawman argument about the poor quality of coaching and lack of education that box owners have. As Simmons would have it, you can get up off the couch one day, go pay your money to take a weekend seminar for your CrossFit Level 1 certification, and open a box the following week. Except that isn’t what’s happening. The gym I attend, for instance,  is owned by a husband and wife, the former a collegiate athlete, teacher and golf pro (visual and instruction skills, anyone?) and the other a physical therapist. Both had over five years of CrossFit experience before opening their own gym.  So much for the whole medical community thinking CrossFit is dangerous, by the way. I have yet to meet someone coaching at a box, let alone owning one, who hasn’t spent years and years training, studying and learning everything there is to know about fitness and physical training. Do all of them have masters degrees in a related field? Of course not, but then, most personal trainers at traditional gyms only had to pass an online exam to qualify for their position. If that. Kinda makes a weekend seminar look thorough, doesn’t it?

After listing off all of his perceived problems with CrossFit, the author is left scratching her head as to why anyone would do it. Maybe, she concludes, people are just addicted to pain, and want to be part of the group. Or maybe, as I observe week after week at the boxes I attend and follow on social media, people are addicted to getting stronger, to learning new things, and to setting new PRs on a regular basis.

It’s true that the most dramatic gains you’ll see at a CrossFit gym will be from people coming off the couch, but that doesn’t mean those are the only people gaining benefit from it. A big percentage of the athletes I train with at CrossFit are athletes in other disciplines, who were already extremely fit when they walked in the door. I’m talking about triathlon winners, Boston Marathon qualifiers, rugby players and the like. And all of them are getting stronger, faster, and better at their other sports because of the addition of CrossFit into their training regimen.

The author saves her most absurd mischaracterizations for last: that workouts are not individualized, and that every CrossFit box in the country is exactly the same. These two assertions are so blatantly false, that I was convinced by the end of the article that the author had been drinking. It’s as if she thinks that box owners pray at the alter of Glassman each night, receive the gospel of the following day’s WOD, and the faithful arrive the next day to perform exactly the movements prescribed, at exactly the prescribed weight, for exactly the prescribed reps.

The truth is, every WOD is adapted to every athlete, every day. Strong athletes add weight. Mere mortals (like myself) might go lighter. Coaches might have new athletes perform two rounds instead of three, or substitute easier movements for more complex ones. The WOD is only a small part of what we do at the gym every day, and even then, what’s written on the whiteboard is only a starting point. Never, at any point, have I had a coach so much as blink when I said I needed to use a lighter kettlebell, or when I dropped off the pull up bar and substituted ring rows, or when I stopped 2 rounds into a 5 round workout and knocked weight off my barbell. If your coach has a problem with you doing those things, by all means, go somewhere else. But I suspect you’ll have a harder time finding a box that has those problems, than one that does not. My coaches push me, but never to the point of danger. They’ll call me out if they think I’m half-assing it, but that’s because they’ve been watching me for months, and know what I’m capable of.

CrossFit has its shortcomings and challenges, and will certainly continue to evolve over the next decade. But if we’re going to address them as the larger fitness community, then let’s not waste time with strawman arguments, baseless rhetoric and double standards. Unless you have the knowledge and experience on the subject to speak with some authority, maybe it’s best you shouldn’t speak at all.

  2 Responses to “Know Your Subject, or Just Shut Up”

  1. First off I have yet to ever post against or for crossfit. This is neither but I happened to come across your post and felt it was time. Getting things out of the way. I have a master’s in Kinesiology and have trained all age ranges and some fairly prominent athletes who play professional. I just recently gave up the strength and conditioning industry to pursue my dream and revamp the educational system but that is for another day. That is enough of my credentials to at least somewhat validate the points I am about to make.

    There are a lot of things beneficial from crossfit and there are a lot of crossfit gyms which are worth while I know the owners of quite a few. With proper ownership and coaching they can be decent not perfect because no industry can be and what makes up crossfits core will always prevent it from being. So I do agree the girls article bashing crossfit isn’t completely warranted and has flaws.

    First with programming, I have visited over 150 gyms where crossfit has taken place and I can tell you with assurance only 15 of those actually knew how to program. And of those 15 who did they knew what wods were pointless and which ones were decent. Of those 15 1 guy owned 5 of them… He is also from my town and has the a masters degree from the same program I do, so that percentage even gets worse. I could get into the biomechanical reasons as why a lot of crossfit programs aren’t worth the paper they are written but it would be a book. Ps. constantly varying things is how the average stay average due to a lot of scientific reasons I’m going to avoid. Also the top crossfit competitors do not really train like crossfitters but more like atheltes. If you didn’t already figure this out, I have some ocean front property in japan to sell you.

    Also most crossfit instruction is worthless when it comes to Olympic lifting. To prove a point, ask you coaches who Tommy Kono is? Ask them who have been the top countries in Olympic lifting since the 50’s on? The good coaches can the not so good coaches cannot. Also ask them the basics of technique progressions from different countries for olympic lifting. I can give you six, Russia, china, Bulgaria, us, Poland, and Hungary. Most of which who happen to be the answer to my previous question. I do agree the fitness industry in a media joke. There are good coaches and bad coaches with whatever avenue you choose, I just hope you do you due diligence to find a good coach/trainer.

    As for the yelling coaches I could care less on that topic. There are approximately 20 different topics which go into making a good coach. yelling can be a benefit or a drawback based on how it is used, etc.

    As for the crossfit exam well you pretty much can get off your ass and get it I was in a class of 50 who 40 shouldn’t have gotten the cert but the majority did. I got it just to see what the training was like and it was terrible. Not saying your pt and athlete husband and wife tandem are bad coaches, they may fall into the minority of good crossfit gyms. I can say is I have worked with over 100 pts in my time and just like every profession some of them were terrible. Saying the training is safe and can quite the other professionals is a complete joke, really? come on…

    next if any power athlete is serious about their sport for more than a few weeks of GPP work, that is a huge joke. And they are getting better? Your validity with that statement completely takes away from all your validity. Go read up on the anaerobic and aerobic metabolic pathways and get back to me with a full report. kidding i will never check this post again. Also read up on neurological pathways so you can see why the couch people get really strong per say fast and then they peak, weird but after reading about it, something may finally click. that can be report 2.

    adapting a WOD to each athlete does not make that WOD individualized for that athlete. Plain and simple. report there specificity and individualization reading. As for the boxes refer to previous comments.

    Something I left for the end as it is the most important and the thing that made me comment in hopes you could realize you are far from a person to be judging this topic yourself. The overuse injuries occur in sport due to years of overuse and/or improper sports programming/training. Sometime due to the nature of the sport, things are impossible to prevent such as rotator cuff and elbow injuries of pitchers. but this happens over long careers and years of abusing their bodies. Not from training or a year or even worse a few months of training. I have yet to ever have a kid develop an overuse injury due to lifting. with proper judgement and preventative measures this can and should be avoided as that should be any real gyms true goal. I have trained kids for as long as 14 years with no incidences in the weight room. Thinking injuries are a part of crossfit is really where crossfit messed up. They have done some positive things for olympic lifting, and the good gyms I agree with but when you promote injury as something that happens and to have had uncle rhabdo as a joke mascot. Their validity is forever tainted. rhabdo should never happen during training and assuming a percentage of your clients will develop is one of the worst practices I have heard.

    I missed on a lot of points but my main one is, this is a topic you are biased on and all for. meaning it clouds your judgement and following your own advice could prove beneficial for you in the future.

    • You started out okay, but then I think you became a little too angry to make any sense of your grammar. I have a difficult time responding point by point to somebody who can’t be bothered to proofread, even a little bit. Makes me wonder about that Masters’ in kinesiology…

      Anyway, you’re as guilty as Ms Simmons in constructing false arguments. Never did I say that CrossFit will make you optimally strong, or that it’s a premier Olympic training system, or any of that. If you want to specialize in those things, then certainly your programming will be far different than the average Joe. Likewise, if your goal is to to to the CrossFit Games, you’re going to be doing a lot more than a daily 12 minute metcon and a little strength work. Also, nowhere did I promote injury as a part of CrossFit. I only asserted, correctly, that injury is a part of sport, and to single out CrossFit as a source of injury is disingenuous. I agree with you that the huge majority of injuries are preventable, but if we’re going to blame the system or the sport, then we have to do it evenly across the board.

      So whenever you bother to read the post, without the chip on your shoulder, for what it actually says instead of what you want it to say, we’ll have a constructive discussion. Until then, go have fun, be fit, and enjoy whatever sports bring you happiness.

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