Mar 262013

So I have this tongue-in-cheek observation/theory about weight loss that I’ve developed lately. When I was a kid, I was super skinny. Now that trying to get (almost) that skinny again, it’s odd how my diet has regressed back to what it was then. There’s a whole lot of cheese sticks, apples, and granola bars in my life lately.

And things like this, a double-decker PB&J, worth a whopping 850 calories! That sounds kinda terrible, but as workout fuel, it’s actually pretty good. Loaded with protein, starchy carbs and a little natural sugar (courtesy of some locally made “Traffic Jam,” this oozing pile of happy, followed by a big cup of black coffee, is what got me through my upper body workout today.

Said workout consisted of 6 sets of barbell bench press, ending with 12 reps of 175 (new PR). I followed that with sets of 50/20/20 decline situps, 3×10 cable machine tricep extensions, and 10 rep drop sets of overhead tricep extensions (50, 40, 30, 20 lbs) and easy bar bent over rows (80, 60, 40, 20 lbs), with no rest for the drop sets. Then I spun my legs on the stationary bike for a half an hour.

Getting strong while getting skinny is something that’s not supposed to be able to happen. But apparently it can, when you train like it’s your job, and eat like a skinny kid.

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