Mar 272013

I hang around a lot of very fit people. People who win the races they go to. 6-minute-mile types. 28-mph-average on a road bike types. One thing has struck me about nearly all of them. You’d expect that, being that they probably average 12% or less bodyfat, that there’d be a lot of light beer when we hang out socially. But not so. What you see in this very characteristic picture are mugs of Nugget Nectar, Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA, and Hoegaarden.

It’s continually struck me as an odd, but unavoidable coincidence, that the people I run and bike with, some of the fittest people you’ll ever meet, have a taste for some of the heaviest and craftiest beers. It seems trite to say we run and ride to drink beer, but maybe there’s more to it than the obvious joke.

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