Jul 092013
Harder than it looks.

It sounded simple enough. Hang from a pull up bar, then do a leg raise. Then keep going until your toes touch the bar. Repeat. But it’s harder than it sounds on paper and harder than it looks while watching it, I found out. I’ve always prided myself on having really good core strength, but this movement involves using it in a different way than I’m used to, in addition to grip strength and shoulder stability.

That last aspect has proved to be the limiting factor for me so far. Now that my body understands the motion, I can do quite a few of them, and they’re a great core exercise. If my hamstrings were more flexible, I could even make them look pretty good. But I can only get 7 or 8 in a row (no “kipping,” because kipping is dumb) before my shoulders start complaining, and I have to let them recover.

Nevertheless, the fact that they’re challenging enough that I can only do a few of them makes me want to do them more. Just like Double Crunches, the goal is now mastering the movement and getting to a point where I can bang out sets of 15-20.

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