Jul 182013
Feelin' jacktastic.

Feelin’ jacktastic.

I haven’t talked about it too much lately, but I am still lifting. Not as much as I’d like, and probably not as much as I should be, since my endurance training on foot and bike has been eating up the hours, but I’m in the weight room at least once a week. I can tell I’ve lost quite a bit of strength and mass since my high point back in April or so, but I’m still doing okay. And right after a workout, like when I snapped this picture, I feel like I still look halfway decent, too.

Next month is heavy into mountain bike racing, with the Fall FastLaps series and the JB 6-hour. I’m going to try to slip in a running race as well, so it’ll be a busy month, but I’ll still try to hit the weights 6-8 times, in addition to my regular bike and running training. After August, things start to taper off, and I look forward to getting back on track, shooting for my personal goals on the major lifts. I’m confident that the maintenance work I’ve been doing through the summer race season will pay off, and I’ll be starting from a much stronger point than I did last November.

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