Sep 122013
... Seriously?

… Seriously?

It would figure that the week that I am in Las Vegas would be the same week that they set a record for consecutive days of rain. Ever. In the history of recorded weather in Las Vegas. I’m really starting to think it’s me. It snowed when I was San Antonio, Texas for the first time in 26 years, and when I was in Gulfport, Mississippi for the fist time in anyone’s memory. My winter in Tucson, Arizona coincided with their coldest and wettest on record. And now Las Vegas. Makes me wonder what would happen if I went to, say, Antarctica.

But we made the best of it, and spent the evening at Hofbrauhaus, eating several kinds of meat, sauerkraut and potatoes, and drinking beers in sizes that could only be described as American, if they weren’t already German.

Now that's a German-looking plate!

Now that’s a German-looking plate!


And that is a German-looking beer!

And that is a German-looking beer!

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